...and here it starts. Again. I think this is the 4th blog I've started, with the intentions of keeping up with it, but of course, life happens and I quit writing. I like to write, and sometimes it's about meaningless things to others, but to me it always has some meaning and feeling behind it. So this is another attempt at documenting my sometimes twisted, frequently exaggerated, humorous, crazy life!
Three and a half years ago, my then-boyfriend-now-husband and I had 3 kids. I had one from a previous marriage (Emma), and he had 2 from a previous marriage (Josh and Ella). We spent many kidless weekends partying with friends, staying up extremely too late, and enjoying life as we knew it. In the blink of an eye, everything changed....
After some car troubles with a Chevy Trailblazer (keep in mind, they have a third row seat, seating a total of 8 people), we decided to buy a new Ford Edge (which seats 5). It was perfect for when we had all the kids, and had plenty of room for throwing stuff in the back. Two days later... a positive pregnancy test. Yep. God decided we needed a little ankle biter running around. Which also meant that my brand new car was no longer big enough for our crew. Little did I know at the time that antibiotics pretty much negate the pill.
I started back to school to pursue my nursing degree when I was 5 months pregnant with Gunner. My classes were easy (prerequisite classes) and the professors were fine with me missing a week or so when I had him. He decided to surprise us a month early (story for a later date) but it was perfect timing because he came about 2 weeks before Spring Break. He was born on a Tuesday night, and after being discharged Friday, I was back to school the following Monday.
Fast forward 17 months...
I had been back on the pill for a bit, but my Aunt Flo was pretty unpredictable with her visits. Sometimes she would bring all her friends and make a party of it, sometimes she would come alone and it was a light and easy visit. After a very brief visit, and then no visit a month later, I decided to tell my husband. The kids (Emma and Gunner) and I went to visit the hubby at work (several hours away, so we stayed at the same hotel he and his crew were staying in). I decided to let him in on what was going on, and we decided it would be smart to at least take a pregnancy test. Honestly, I thought my body was just messed up. I hadn't taken any antibiotics to screw with the effectiveness of the pill, and I'd taken them every day, generally around the same time. So I took the test anyway... positive. After visiting the doctor and calculating my due date off of a sonogram, I came to the conclusion that I got pregnant one night after celebrating the success of my first semester of nursing school. (I'm starting to wonder if alcohol also screws with the effectiveness of the pill!)
Seven months later, Tanner was born (another story to come later, I have had some interesting childbirths!). Tanner is a girl.
Today I am finishing up my second to last semester of nursing school, and in May I will officially be Ashley Stewart, RN. My passion is with babies, and I dream to work at Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This semester, I found out that they do a nursing residency program. It's very competitive and difficult to get accepted, but I was going to attempt it anyway. I even looked into a couple other residencies in the metroplex at other hospitals within the NICU. I started working on my resume, talking to professors and clinical instructors about recommendation letters. I was so excited!
Two and a half weeks ago...
It happened. Again. At my last doctor's appointment with my OB/GYN a few months ago, we discussed a tubal ligation. He only does them on Fridays, and with my clinical schedule, I needed to wait until they were completed in order to have a full weekend to recover. The same weekend I had my last clinical, Aunt Flo was scheduled to visit. She had been pretty predictable, since I decided NOT to go back on the pill (a lot of good it did me the two times before). Since the hubby was only home 9 days out of 27 (and me being exhausted from the demands of nursing school, a 2 year old, and an infant, the sexual activity in this house was minimal, much to the hubby's dismay), and we made sure to use protection, it worked out for us. Or so I thought...
Aunt Flo still hadn't made her visit by Monday morning. Damn. Three days late, and another positive pregnancy test. God HAD to be testing me! I was DONE having kids and ready to schedule my tubal! Instead, next summer, I won't be starting a dream residency at Cook's or Medical City, I'll be at home, with 3 kids, aged 3 and under. Lord, please. You know my patience is already wearing thin. Please let my kids survive the next 5 years without being locked in the closet so mommy can have some quiet time.
I do find the humor in all this. God has a plan, and apparently it's MUCH different than mine. At first, I may be shocked and upset, but I always end up laughing about the situation and loving every minute of it. I love my babies more than anything in the world, and another one just means more love in my life! The only thing I ask is... Please Lord, let me make it IN the hospital this time...
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