However, tonight I feel compelled to write about something.
Living in a small town, you get used to hearing all the bashing women do on each other... From "guess who was out at the bar last weekend?" (because God forbid any respectable woman enjoy a night of music and dancing with friends), to "did you see what she was wearing?" or any other form of gossip and/or nastiness. Although many women claim they don't judge others, a good amount of them aren't truly being honest with themselves. I have distanced myself from people who choose to spend their time degrading other women for one reason or another because: 1) I don't have time or energy for other people's drama and 2) I'd much rather spend my days with a positive outlook and have a few friends than be popular and miserable because of all the cattiness and two-faced women.
I can count on one hand the few close friends I have, and that does not include my sisters. I have chosen those friends because I know I can go to them with any issue I am having without fear of being judged, criticized, or turned away. I know my life isn't perfect, and I love my close friends for being honest with me, being my backbone when mine seems to slip away, being excited for me when I'm not quite sure how I feel, and being my own personal cheerleading squad! I owe them so much for helping me get over the endless amounts of hurdles in my life.
That being said... I'm taking The Mom Pledge:
The Mom Pledge
I am a proud to be a mom. I will conduct myself with integrity in all my online activities. I can lead by example.
I pledge to treat my fellow moms with respect. I will acknowledge that there is no one, "right" way to be a good Mom. Each woman makes the choices best for her family.
I believe a healthy dialogue on important issues is a good thing. I will welcome differing opinions when offered in a respectful, non-judgmental manner. And will treat those who do so in kind.
I stand up against cyber bullying. My online space reflects who I am and what I believe in. I will not tolerate comments that are defamatory, hateful or threatening.
I refuse to give those who attack a platform. I will remove their remarks with no mention or response. I can take control.
I want to see moms work together to build one another up, not tear each other down. Words can be used as weapons. I will not engage in that behavior.
I affirm that we are a community. As a member, I will strive to foster goodwill among moms. Together, we can make a difference.
I am taking this pledge not only online, but in real life as well. I would like to completely rid my life of negativity that comes from outside my home in hopes that I can make a more positive home environment for my family.
By taking this pledge and ridding my life of negativity towards other women, and people in general, I am hoping to show my children that we are all EQUALS, that no one person is better or worse than another, simply that we each lead different lives and make different choices based on our family's needs, wants, and goals in life. Bullying, degrading, and demoralizing based on socioeconomic status, race, gender, health, and/or intelligence has NO place in my life!
If you'd like to make the pledge as well, please visit the Take the Pledge Campaign.
Welcome to our community! Happy to have you. And you so right - it isn't just about us; it is about our children. A negative home environment has been shown to be a factor in youth bullying. Kudos to you for wanting to lead your children by positive example. :)